September 2018 - Healthy Food Tricks

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Top 34 -way to stay healthy - Remember the  things[ health way for human ] - Health Tips Online
7:49 PM 3 Comments

Some ways to stay healthy

None of us want to get sick. Because illness means trouble and cost. It does not just hurt when it gets sick, so a person can not go to work or school, earn money, or look after his own family. In addition, a person needs another person to look after that person, and he may have to spend a lot of money to buy expensive medicines or to get treatment.

Way to stay health we have to look carefully at the following topics.A well-known proverb says, "It is good to be careful before the danger comes." It is true that some diseases can not be avoided. However, you can do many things to not get sick or to prevent illness. Consider five things that will help you stay healthy.

1 Keep up the good hygiene

According to Mayo Clinic, "the best way to avoid illness and disease infection" is to wash hands. The main cause of gestational syndrome is that the nose or eyes rub while holding germs in hand. The best way to get rid of such germs is to wash hands regularly. Adhering to good hygiene, infection of various serious diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea can be avoided. Twenty two million children die every year due to this type of disease, under the age of five years By developing general habits such as hand washing, even the serious Ebola virus can be reduced to by the rate of infection.

Wash hands especially for way to stay healthy  in certain times, so that you can keep yourself and others healthy. Mainly wash hands during these times:

After using the toilet.

After changing the diapers of the kids or making them toilets.

Cleaning the wounds or cut spaces before and after planting.

Before and after seeing a sick person.

Before preparing food, serving or eating it.

After sneezing, coughing and nostalgia.

After handling any animal or cleaning their stools and urine.

After cleaning garbage.

And do not take the issue of hand washing properly lightly. Research has shown that most of those who use public toilets do not wash their hands after washing their hands or washing them properly. How should wash hands?

Wrap the hands under the clear water and apply the soap.

Make a foam in the hands of two hands, as well as clean the nails, the thumb, the back side and the middle of the finger.

Smear the hand at least 20 seconds.

Wash hands under clean water.

Remove hands with a clean towel.

Although these things are very common, they are very effective in protecting and saving lives.

2. Use pure water

In some countries, it is a daily issue of providing pure water for families. However, getting pure water anywhere in the world can be difficult when floods, storms, pipes, or other major sources of water are polluted. If the source of water is not safe and water is not properly stored, then it can lead to bacterial infection and may lead to cholera, lethal diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis and other infectious diseases. According to a statistic, 170 million people suffer from diarrhea each year, and one of the main reasons is drinking water polluted.

You can do many things to not get sick or to prevent illness

In most cases, cholera is due to eating contaminated water and food by the sick person. What steps can you take to protect yourself from such and other water pollutants, even if it is just after any disaster?

Note that drinking water and brushing teeth, making ice cube, washing food and utensils or cooking water comes from a safe source; That source may be well-suppliedit

 water supplied for public use or sealed bottles supplied by reliable companies.

3 Be careful about the food

Without nutrition, good health is not possible and healthy, balanced food needs to be nourished. You should have salt, fat and sugar in your food list, but keep in mind that it will not be excessive. There are fruits and vegetables in this list and there are diversities in food. When purchasing bread, cereals, pasta or rice, check the list of materials on the packet, so that you can choose vegetable food. Contrary to the ingested grains, they contain lots of nutrients and fiber. To get protein, eat a small amount of low-fat meat and try eating fish at least once a week. In some countries, protein-rich foods are available from plants.

If you eat too much sugar and foods rich in fat, then you are at risk of overweight. To reduce this risk there is plenty of sugar, instead of drinking water, drink water. Eat more fruits instead of sugar-dessert. Eat less of the foods that are rich in fat, such as sausage, meat, butter, cakes, cheeses and cookies. And instead of using butter or ghee for cooking, use oil that is good for health.

If there is food in your food list, which contains excess salt or sodium, it can increase your blood pressure excessively. If you have this problem, take a look at the list of ingredients on packaged foods to reduce sodium levels. Use different leaves or spices instead of salt to increase taste.

What you eat, how important it is, as well as how much you eat, it is also important. Therefore, do not eat while you are hungry while eating.

Food poisoning is also associated with nutrients. You can have food poisoning at any meal, if it is not well prepared and preserved. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, millions of people are sick every year due to eating such food. Although many have been able to overcome their chronic harmful effects, some of them have lost their lives. What can you do to reduce this risk?

Vegetables may have a fertilizer, so wash them well before using them.

Before preparing every meal, wash your hands, cutting boards, cutting tools, utensils and kitchen surfaces with warm water and soap.

Do not eat food in any place or container, so that the food is not contaminated again, where raw eggs, meat or fish were kept before. Wash it before using any such place or utensil.

Cook the food till it is not reached at the right temperature and do not eat any food that can easily be broken, keep it refrigerated quickly.

If the temperature of the house is above 32 degrees Celsius, then the food easily wasted in one or two hours, then drop. 

4. Do your physical work
Regardless of your age, you need regular physical work to be healthy. Nowadays people do not exercise enough. Why is exercise important? Physical hard work will help you with:

You can sleep well.

Be active.

You can build strong bones and strong muscles.

You can keep weight properly or bring weight to the right level.

Sadness can reduce the risk of disease.

Can reduce the risk of premature death.

If you do not work hard, you may be at risk of these things:

Heart disease.

Type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure.

High cholesterol


Which kind of exercise is right for you, since it relies on your age and health, so it is wise to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise. According to various experts, children and adolescents should exercise at least 60 minutes daily from heavy to heavy exercises. Adults should exercise 150 minutes light exercise or 75 minutes of heavy exercise per week.

Choose the topics you enjoy doing. You may do these things, such as basketball, tennis and football games, walking, bicycling, gardening, cutting wood, swimming, jogging or other aerobiology. How can you determine which light exercise or what is a heavy exercise? Usually you will sweat while doing light exercises but you can not talk while heavy exercise.

5. Sleep adequate
How much sleep is needed, it depends on the individual. Most newborn babies sleep 16 to 18 hours a day; Boys and girls of 1-3 years old are sleeping for about 11 hours and 12 hours and 3-4 years old boys. At least 10 hours of school children, about 9 or 10 hours of adolescence and adult sleeping needs 7 to 8 hours.

There is no substitute for adequate rest. According to experts, these reasons need to be adequately rested:

Growth and development of young children and adolescents

Know new information and keep it in mind.

Maintaining proper balance of hormone, which affects the metabolism and weight.

Keep the heart healthy.

Increased immunity.

There is a possibility of obesity, depression, heart disease, diabetes and various accidents due to lack of adequate sleep. Certainly, we have good reason for adequate rest for these things.

So, if you realize that you are not sleeping enough, what can you do?

Try to go to sleep at the same time each day and wake up at the same time.

The environment of your bedroom is silent, dark and comfortable, and the temperature of the room is not too high or too low.

Do not see television lying in bed or use electronic gadget.

Your bed is as comfortable as possible.

Do not eat heavy foods, caffeinated foods or alcoholic beverages before going to bed.

If you are suffering from insomnia or other problems in your sleep after applying these suggestions, such as being over-sleeping during the day or breathing during sleep, you can consult the appropriate doctor. 

You can also follow some more rules

6. After six o'clock in the morning, we should practice sleeping. By doing this, morning light produces Vitamin D and the air keeps the brain and eyes fresh.
7. Drinking one to two glasses of water in the morning after washing it does not easily cause any bowel disease. In the morning, after the exercise of exercise, hats and jogging, the body's immune system increases. The body is healthy.
8. Breakfast is extremely important for the health of the body. It should drink 2/3 glasses of water in the morning. Balanced and nutritious food should be eaten. Do not drink tea / coffee in an empty stomach. Drink tea / coffee at the end of heavy stripes.
9. Never drink water during meals. Drink water before eating it. Eat less food, which will help reduce body weight. If you drink water in the meals, it is related to digestive and digestive problems. Drink water at least 30 minutes after eating it.
10. Lunch time at 1 pm and dinner should be before 8pm. Because you will have more time to eat because of late consumption in the afternoon, you will increase your weight and eat more nights if you eat properly at the time of digestion that will spoil your night. You should go to sleep at least one hour after eating.
11. Do not drink water from the sunshine. It can not cope with the condition of our body, which can affect the normal functioning of the body. Drinking from excessive work and hard sunshine, it is better to drink water with a lot of rest.

12. If you have bad habit, remove it:
Many times we make many things themselves in bad habit without knowing it. These bad habits will leave us as soon as possible. For example, smoking, drinking, and other unhealthy bad habits in addition to unsafe physical relationships. It may take some time or you may need to leave them, but if you really want to live a healthy life, there is no alternative. On the other hand, there are some practices that are not so bad, but it can easily be a problem if taking away too much. For example, sugar, soft drinks, caffeine, various types of junk food. So, decide now, will you leave your bad habits and stay healthy or undermine yourself?

13. Regular body checkup
It is important to check the body at least once a year. Regular check-up, if you are healthy, so that when something unusual appears, you will know about it and if necessary, talk to your doctor about problems. Regular body checkup is possible before being diagnosed with the necessary treatment or treatment.

14. Enough sleep
Sleep strongly influences our physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation- affect metabolism, mood, retardation, physical skills, pressure hormones, even disease preventive management and cardiovascular health. Sufficient sleep can keep the body healthy, it can be revived, which is not possible for a waking body.

15. Exercise
Exercise is important for maintaining and maintaining physical fitness. 

Cardiovascular exercises help strengthen heart disease and lungs, hard work or practice helps to strengthen muscles. Exercise also helps prevent blood circulation, even regular exercise helps in fighting combat-depression.

16. Healthy and nutritious food
Keep fresh fruits, vegetables and grains in your diet and try to make them the main part of your overall diet. Also include poultry, fish and peas on the food list. Eat balanced meals; Stop eating before full stomach is full and give it a chance to digest food. Avoid highly processed foods containing artificial sweet or color, hidden carbohydrate or excessive fat.

17. Make regular breakfast every day:
Start your day with a healthy breakfast, which will help you to provide adequate physical and emotional strength. Healthy breakfast The blood sugar levels are stable and helps to maintain a healthy weight.

18. Drink plenty of water:
Most of our body is water. Pure water is the best and healthy beverage for healthy body development. It is natural for our organ and digestive system. Water is important for our brain and it keeps the body healthy and sterile without leaving toxin through sweating and pub.

19. Reduce stress
Stress is a threat to our body. You can stay health  away from emotional stress by doing meditation, exercise, doing things that you love to do, going around in the natural environment, doing some of the hobbies. Never go to work extra. Try to stay around people you love.

20. Express yourself:
If you put your emotions under bottleneck, it can cause mental problems to start with physical problems. Uncomfortable feelings or emotions can lead to depression, sleep problems, disease symptoms, and even physical pain. So, try, express your emotions in front of everyone.

To stay healthy, you can look at the rules and the rules below -

21. Sport:
The best way to get rid of various things in life is to make sport. Whenever you want to play, take your friends, neighbors, and take them out to play grounds. Start with badminton, tennis or any other game. This will reduce your body's excess calories. You will enjoy some fun and sadness will be free.

22. Walk:
Walking is the best way to stay active. So try to walk as much as I can. This task is very simple and beneficial for your health.

23. Bicycling:
Find out your old bike and get out with friends. You can not go to the office and sit in a bicycle on the bike. You can mix it with nature, as well as improve health. Your muscles will be stronger.

24 Leave the elevator:
To make your body fit, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Change the movement of the stairs to a practice. Your body will always fit in it.

25. Dancing:
Dancing is very helpful to reduce body fat and attract muscles.

26. Bucket bathe
All of you are thinking, if you take a bath with a bucket, then what are the benefits. Exercise is also performed by bathing with a bucket without shower or bathtub. Mugs have to be repeated by hand, so that the muscles of our hands are more active. So the bucket is bathe every day.

27 Work at home:
Try to do house tasks yourself. Keep the house clean every day. This will make you enjoy the comfort and increase your physical strength.

28 Take care of the garden:
If you do not like sports, then take care of the garden. You will be more cheerful in the garden service. Besides, there are many types of work to do in the garden. This will be your best exercise.

29 Cook healthy meals:

Cook yourself. Use new recipes to cook.

30. Wash the clothes:
If you have time to wash the washing machine instead of the washing machine. Washing clothes is a kind of exercise. This will cause your calories to decay.

31. Walk and talk:
Whenever you talk, do not walk and practice to walk. You can also walk while talking on the phone. Also, when you chat with friends, try to walk and talk about it. There will also be some exercise in your

32. Drink moderate water:
Drink more water. It also increases the speed of blood flow of the body. Blood will be clean.

33. Bought at the market to buy:
Shop shopping without shopping online. You can buy things according to the price and you will be able to exercise because of the walk.
These small tasks are like exercises. So do not ever avoid these tasks. In this, your body will be good and work will also work.

34. Consistency and Correction

Patience and coherence are very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Modify or improve your habits gradually, there is a possibility of reversing the mind and body when it comes to major changes at one go. Accept your mistakes and try to correct yourself.

If you have any problems then you can ask us at the comment box below. We will try to answer your questions. Do not forget to comment like. 

blog posted by : Md Mamun. 
writer : Health Tips Online      

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Healthy -  Keep Healthy Fit for a Man with food
5:07 PM0 Comments

Keep Healthy Fit for a Man with food

Hello. Friends, How are you. I hope you are well. To day your for a new tune came to blog.  If am I little  blogger  but you try or follow  this rule. So, let's go and do not talk about tune. 

Read the also post>>  

Firstly you know  that what is  healthy fit and how to do it of man in food. so, we first consultation of healthy  fit.  Have a one proverbs  that is "HEALTH  IS WEALTH ". So, we make healthy  fir  to eating  a  healthy food. For example, Pure fruits, Green vegetable, eggs, rice, dull, Pure fish, Pure flesh ( chicken & meat) and pure menaral water. 

 The healthy food  as well as  have do to hard exercising. Every day to rise to early. One this proverbs that early to bed & early to rise. So, we must follow this subjects. 

Every day we be try some play in the field. Because every day doing  play of body and mind both are good.  Nor is it daily play for sharp  & running our memory.  Only with eating  healthy food  isn't  made a healthy body.  So, we made of healthy food  sothe must be carefully for all rule.

 There are also many more way to healthy  your own  body.

 For example -

  • Work like time, 

  • Eat like eat, 

  • Perform moderate exercises, 

  • Tired body does not work

  • Clean and tidy


Do not do the work to healthy  your own body -

  • Do  not work unreasonably

  • Not  eat unlimited

  • Do not exercise unlimited

  • Tried body do work 

  • Don't  clean and tidy 


Hopefully you will be benefited a little while practicing the above tasks.

Today it is only till today. You will be seen with something next.

If you know about any of the issues, please go to the comment box below to comment. I will try to answer you.

 Subscribe to get more such tune.
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