Follow some rules to stay healthy and beautiful - Healthy Food Tricks

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Follow some rules to stay healthy and beautiful

Follow some rules to stay healthy and beautiful.

August 18, 2018.Saturday.
Written by: Md mamun   
Do you just eat whatever you want to live? Or you want to enjoy life from healthy and beautiful living? Find a list of foods that are healthy and nutritious.
Everything needed for the body. Every day the same type of food should not be eaten in any way. So keep a variety of vitamins, mineral and protein foods in the daily diet list. Besides, the quality of the food is big, not the quantity of food.

Fennel foods:

Put enough freshened grains in the list of foods. Especially in the morning breakfast cereals can be a variety of grains, wheat, corn, fruit and curd. It is filled with instant stomach and stomach, which means remove constipation. But the fruit does not mean apples and grapes. Rather, when the results are found, eat seasonal fruits. The disease prevention capacity also increased.

Fresh fruit and vegetables:

Every day the food list requires bean, beans, froth-like vegetables and enough fruits. It helps in controlling sugar in all these bodies, and also plays a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Cabbage and Cauliflower help reduce the risk of cancer. According to the World Health Organization, vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times a day. Those who eat more fruits and vegetables, they have less risk of asthma or allergic rhinitis.

Say 'no' to fastfood:

'Fast Food' or 'Ready Made' foods should not be eaten at all. They hide in plenty of sugar and various harmful things. Scientists say that in children, the risk of fast-food asthma increases by about 40 %. This information was made by a researcher on the children of 31 countries. Therefore, it is necessary to create healthy eating habits since childhood.

Food for Brain:
The need for sugar and glucose for human brain development. It contains various fruits, bread, sweet potato, noodles, fish meat, and potato etc. So it is necessary to eat a small quantity of almonds regularly. It contains the essential elements of the body. It is found that playing different types of nut in two or three days a week is possible to avoid heart disease. Eggs are beneficial for the brain.

Milk or Milk Food:

It should be kept on the food list every day. But nowadays many people can not eat milk directly because of allergies. Otherwise, milk can be eaten. Milk contains beneficial vitamins and minerals for the body. So it's also called balanced diet. Besides, eating enough meat and meat or eggs for two days a week is enough. Omega-3 fatty acids in marine fishes, which help in aging.

Ginger, garlic, onion pair:

Use as much oil as possible in cooking. And if possible it is better to use direct vegetable oil. Vegetable foods contain small amounts of calories, and on the other hand, there are plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber. In Asian cuisine, ginger, garlic and onion are used only. These onions, garlic, are helpful in preventing cancer. And ginger bacteria killed and kept the stomach clean.

Drink more, salt and sugar less:

Drink at least one to two liters of water per day. But not sweet mixed drinks, that is, not to be cola, fanta or anything like that. Oh yeah, avoid hypertension or diabetes. Maintain moderate amounts of salt and sugar in order to keep yourself healthy and beautiful. Keep in mind, it should be made in the realm of sugar, that is, brown sugar and salt like iodine and fluoride.

Eating slowly:

The food is rushing to eat more than the fear of eating. This leads to increase in weight and disrupts digestion. So eat the food slowly chewed. Half of it is digested. Besides, what you are eating, why are you eating - understand it by eating it, that means enjoy the food. You 'feel' what you eat, that is, your 'performance' will depend on your eating. And its evidence will also appear on the face.


Walk from 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. It will also enjoy free ventilation as well as open air, which plays a huge role in keeping 'fit'. If there is someone next to the walk, if not, walk alone for a while. Come back to see the body and mind - how fast both of them feel. Walking or exercise also helps in increasing the immunity of the body.

1. Eating a small amount of fat is important in fatty acids, which plays an important role in reducing the levels of bad LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the blood on one hand. On the other hand, good HDL helps to increase cholesterol. One way to add good fat to food is to use canola oil in cooking. This oil contains the lowest amount of fat in comparison to any other oil.

2. Fulfilled 19% of the amount of fiber required to eat a tablespoon of chewing seed with edible seeds nutrient quality is filled. Along with this, the demand for calcium, magnesium, iron, basic fatty acids and antioxidants will also be met.

Sunbeam omega three and omega-rich fatty acids, rich in Vitamin B1, B2, B-six and other nutrients. These foods increase the energy of the body, improves the nerves and diseases, and keeps blood well.

Zinc, copper and selenium are available in plenty of pumpkin seeds. Playing two table spoons of pumpkin seeds, the needs of 25% of the required magnesium and mineral are met.

3. Protein is an important part of every cell of the body. Protein plays an important role in the formation and repair of the body. Therefore, 10 to 35 percent of the daily caloric demand should be filled in proteins. On average, every male weight of 60 kg is required for at least 60 grams of protein per day in order to live well. And on an average every woman weighing 55 kg, daily protein demand is 55 gm. Eggs, lean meat, beans, dairy products, nuts and pulses are the best sources of protein.

4. Every day, eat five vegetables and fruits, consume five vegetables and fruits daily. Eat at least 400 grams of vegetables daily. Vegetables and fruits play an effective role in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer-related diseases starting from constipation and indigestion.

5. Nuts contain healthy fat and nutrient nuts, good quality fat. Along with this, walnuts, peanuts and almonds are foamy. Which is helpful in digestion. The walnuts have omega three fat. Another thing to remember is that having a lot of calories in the nut is not good enough to eat. Nut nut is enough for light snacks. There are about 160 calories and 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber in one ounce or one nuts.

6. Foods made from grains of brown rice, wheat and various types of grains are rich in rich nutrients. Seasonal food contains plenty of insulin fiber which is helpful in keeping the intestines healthy. Fennel foods also help control the level of caloric intake and reduce weight.

7. Thirst does not mean hunger When someone needs water, someone may think that he is hungry. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is necessary to meet the requirements of body water. But in the summer it may need to drink more water. If you occasionally want to taste a little extra, you can eat leftovers with a single water or a glass of ground, fruit tea, tea or sweet fruit juice.

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