August 2018 - Healthy Food Tricks

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

30+ - reason for eating mango [ mango eating ]  - Health Tips Online
10:20 PM0 Comments

Why we are eating Mango   

29 August, 2018   

King of fruit mango Our body works like a king of mine. Mango is not only a Yum-yum fruit, it also acts as a drug to reduce the risk of health problems.

Summer is the day of mango meal. This is the result of choice for everyone, from the children to the elderly to the taste. However, due to excess sweetness, some people refrained from eating mango again. Someone thinks that there is a possibility of increased weight due to additional mango consumption. 
Nutritionists also advised to abide by some things about eating mango.

Mango is not only in taste, but also unique in quality. It contains various types of nutrients such as Vitamin A, Iron, Copper and Potassium.

Mango is a powerful fruit. The natural sugar contained in it gives strength to the body and keeps the body active throughout the day.

Bought for mango juice  <<click here>>

Due to the abundance of vitamin C, it increases the im
munity  of the body.

It contains plenty of fiber.

A medium-sized mango contains 150 calories. If you eat more calorie foods, there is a risk of weight gain. For this reason, nutritionists have advised not to eat extra mango.

Apart from eating, after eating meals, there is a possibility of adding more calories to the body. That is why nutritionists say that it is appropriate to eat a morning breakfast or to eat mango in the afternoon.

Studies have shown that, as a result of mango eating, the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease decreases. In addition to skin and hair changes, this fruit has the role to increase body strength, to prevent colon cancer, to improve bones and digestive energies. So know today that Mango has some health benefits;

Cancer prevention

Researchers say that as a result of anti-oxidants, it helps prevent colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancer. Lowering cholesterol levels. Reduce high levels of Vitamin C, Pectin and Fiber cholesterol levels. The main source of potassium is the important compound for body fluid and cell, fresh mango, which helps control hypertension and heart rate.

Skin care:

Vitamin 'C' helps in the production of cologene by cleaning the skin and maintaining the youth. As a result the skin is refreshing and taut. The amount of loss of skin damaged by the sunlight reduces in mango consumption. If you use masked mask as a mask, then the garbage dirty is cleaned.

To reduce weight:

I have many vitamins and nutrients. Fennel's help in digestion helps in decaying excess body fat. Besides, mango consumption reduces appetite and control cholesterol and glucose levels.

Heart protection:

Because of high fiber and anti-oxidant, it reduces the chances of heart disease significantly. There are 3 g foam in a cup mango. Studies show that, taking 7 grams of fiber reduces the risk of heart disease by 9 percent.

Controlling diabetes: Not only mango, Amphir leaf is also quite beneficial. If those who have diabetes wash 5-6 ml leaf and boil them in a container and drink it in the morning and drink it in the morning, it helps control the level of insulin. 

Besides, if the amor glycemic index (41-60) is less then it is eaten occasionally. But sugar levels will not increase too much.

To prevent constipation:

High-fiberal ammunition is very beneficial for health. It is very effective for good digestion and constipation resistance.

To prevent asthma:

There is less chance of asthma among those who eat mango. It is an amazing health benefits of america. The high beta carotene contained in it plays an important role in preventing asthma.

Eye Care:

I have plenty of vitamins 'A'. By consuming only a cup of seasoned mango, it is possible to fill up 25 percent of the day's Vitamin A needs. It also helps improve eyesight, prevent eye dryness and night blindness.

To prevent birth defects:

There are many benefits of eating mango during pregnancy. Mango B is rich in Vitamin. It contains Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, Niacin and Folic Acid. Folic acid is especially important for pregnant women because it reduces the likelihood of birth defects. 

The demand for daily folic acid is 400 micrograms and one cup fresh mango is available from 71 micrograms. Mango is a good source of minerals, including potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The way we eat raw or ripe is very useful for our body. In many cases raw mango quality more than seasoned america. Mango helps keep our body healthy and disease free. Find out more benefits of Mango -

1. Raw mango is rich in carotene and vitamins, which helps raise eye sight, protects the night from diseases and keeps eyes well.

2. We have Vitamin 'B' complex. This vitamin enhances the supply of oxygen to the body's nerves. Keeps the body fresh. Helps to sleep

3. I have a lot of vitamin C, raw ama vitaminsi more than pearla amounts.

4. Mango helps prevent heart problems due to bactericorin, Vitamin E and Selenium.

5. Mango contains antioxidants that help prevent various cancers, such as breast cancer, leukemia, colon cancer, prostate cancer etc.

6. The presence of mangoes of mineral salts is adequate. America's mineral salt plays a beneficial role in strengthening teeth, nails, hair.

7. I have a lot of enzymes that help to break down the body's protein molecules, which results in digestion.

8. Playing mango every day prevents bodyguard and reduces obesity and plays a positive role in physical formation.

9. We have malic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid which keeps alkali in the body.

10. Due to the abundance of iron in the raw mango, the problem of redness is eliminated, and the body's blood remains clean.

11. The physical benefits of mothers are: Some studies have shown that the intake of iron, vitamin A, C and B6 in the mother's body begins to increase after eating a meal every day during Pregnancy. These ingredients do not only improve the body of the mother, but also increase the body's body capacity. As a result, the fear of having a postpartum problem decreases.

12. Keeps diabetes-like disease: Multiple studies have started to reduce the blood sugar levels by starting a mango meal after 12 weeks of peas. As a result diabetes can not even close to the disease. In fact mango fibers and other anti-diabetic propagates play a special role in this case. So if there is a history of this disease in the family, then consult the doctor and start eating this fruit regularly. You will get benefits to see!

13. Maintains balance in the body: Tartaric, malic and citric acid, which are present in the body, play a special role in keeping 'Alkaline balance' inside the body. And just as all of you know how important it is to keep the balance of the acid in order to keep the body healthy.

14. Increases the beauty of the skin: In many case studies, it is found that if the skin is well-fed to 3-4 times a day, then the skin lacks nutrient deficiencies in the inside of the skin, as well as opening the skin closure hole. As a result, the brightness of the skin naturally begins to grow.

15. Digestion enhances: I have a special type of enzymes, which helps keep food intensified. So playing this fruit does not dare to raise the problem of digestion. According to doctors, the fiber in the ammunition plays a special role.

16. Improves eye vision: Is it getting increasingly difficult to work in front of a computer? Do not worry! Start eating mango, you will not have any more thoughts about eyesight. Actually I am present in Vitamin A, it plays a special role.

17. The ripe mango makes our skin beautiful, bright and smooth. Not only this, it helps keep us both beautiful inside and out of the skin. Mango helps to clean the skin of the skin and helps in the problem of acne problems.

18. The presence of adequate quantity of mineral salts is available in the plant. American salt salt plays a beneficial role to strengthen our body tooth, nails, hair etc.

19. Generally, the strained manganese helps to clean the hairline so that it helps in removing the blackheads born on the mouth and nose. If you consume 100 grams of gram per day, then the black spots on your face will be removed.

20. One of the benefits of mango is the nutritional material. Powdered amber helps in digestion of some components such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. I have enormous amounts of enzymes that help to break down our body's protein molecules which help in digestion.

21. There are about 25 different types of carotenoids that are beneficial bacteria that keep your immune system healthy and strong.

22. I have adequate vitamin B complex. This vitamin helps keep the supply of oxygen available in our body's nerves. Keeps our body completely refreshing. This helps to sleep very quickly.

23. I have beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium. Due to the adequate quantity of these ingredients, paddy mango helps prevent heart problemsWe play a special role in keeping our heart healthy and vigorous.

24 If you can eat mango every day, it can provide about 25 percent of your body's vitamin A's demand. Vitamin 'A' is very beneficial for our eyes. It helps increase the eyesight of our eyes and protects from night sickness.

25. I have lots of acids like tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid that help in keeping our body alkalai or dahare very much.

26. Mango has adequate antioxidants that help prevent cancer of the body. Breast, leukemia, colon help prevent severe cancer like prostate cancer. It also provides the necessary enzymes.

27 Being rich in potassium is potassium, it helps in controlling our heartbeat and blood pressure. Our heartbeat plays an effective role to keep pace.

28 Ripe mango helps clean the blood of our body. Tartaric, malic and citric acid in the americus helps in keeping alcohol in the body.

29 I am rich in Vitamin-C, raw ama, and more amounts of Vitamin-C. Which plays a special role in the formation of our teeth and bones.

30. Mango is our body. Every day, mango plays a major role in the body's decay and reduces obesity and helps in physical formation.

31. Not only this, the American herbal quality protects against various complex diseases, including skin cancer.

32. I have a lot of vitamin 'C' as well as fiber which reduces serum cholesterol levels, especially in bad blood cholesterol, such as lower density lipoprotein levels.

Therefore, it is understandable that the benefits of mango are immense. Coming mango season Of course you and your family members will eat mango. But nutritious and healthy mango will be eaten. More than the benefit of the benefits of the formalin of the market. Be careful about this.

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Pineapple juice
11:02 AM0 Comments

Pineapple Juice  Ready Recipe 

29 August, 2018.   

Not only in taste, but also unique, this juice is unique. This type of disease can be prevented in many different types of diseases. It is not pineapple juice, pineapple juice . Those who do not love pineapple, they will surely like the taste of this juice.

We do not know the quality of pineapples, but we do not know. To eat the juice in this summer we did not choose watermelon, orange or lemonade. 
There are very few people who eat pineapple juice. But pineapple juice in this hot summer but it can prove to be very comforting.

 But even then those who are upset to eat pineapple, have a wonderful recipe for them. It is not pineapple juice, pineapple juice. Those who do not love pineapple, they will surely like the taste of this juice.


Pineapple juice - 2 cups (if you can not make it at home, buy good company's juice) orange juice - 1 cup (frying ice with ice tray) - lemon juice - 3 tablespoons bit salt - according to the taste syrup of taste - Mint according to taste Leaf juice - 1/4 teaspoon (optional) White round pepper - 1/4 teaspoon to make garlic - Orange Pieces, sutherbie, cherry etc.


Smash the pineapple juice well once. Even if you have a shoe bought Then mix it with bit salt, sugar syrup, minced juice, lemon juice and pepper and give it to blender. Instead of syrup, sugar can be used, in that case Blender will have to pay. 

If you mix well then keep refrigerating for cold. After cooling down, give ice cubes made from orange juice with the juice of sugarcane. And wait for a few minutes to mix a little. 
When the cubes remain whole, please shower this leaflet. Garnish with your choice. The juice of this juice is that little orange juice cubes will melt, and it will be mixed with juice.

And every time there will be changes in the taste of juice  Feel a different, do not try it !!


  • This leaflet contains plenty of Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is fighting against any diseases of the tongue, talus, teeth, and gums.

  • There is plenty of minerals in this leafy sugar.

  • Which fight against various diseases of the summer.

  • Removes dizziness, nausea etc.

  • There is no pair of pancreatic fever, fever-fever

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Posted by: MD MAMUN(admin of health tips online  )  
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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Why eat strawberry for healthy
12:17 PM0 Comments

Why Eat Strawberry

28 August, 2018

Lifestyle Desk: 
The name of the mouth and delicious fruit is strawberry. Who can conveniently place in your diet diet list. The strawberry contains low-calorie, high-grade fiber. 

It is also fat free. It is also important for health by providing adequate water and energy in the body. Let's know some of the fruits of this fruit.

Power supply:

Daily diet list should be such that we get enough energy. In this case, appropriate food may be strawberries. It creates sufficient amount of heat in the body which increases attention and efficiency throughout the day.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

A study showed that at least one strawberry per week reduced the risk of heart attack by 32 percent. Apart from research on 93,000 women who are doing the diet, it is found that 25-30% of their diet charts come as a result of eating only strawberries.

Increases memory

Strawberry is not only good for the body but it is also beneficial for the brain. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reveals that strawberry has high levels of anti-oxygen, which increases your memory and helps you to remember a lot for a long time.

Bone rubbing

Bone loss is one of the most common diseases of the age group. Bone loss sometimes involves pain. And strawberries can eat every day to solve these problems. Vitamin C will help in the disorder of bone mass.

Increase digestion

Vitamin C in the strawberry increases the energization of the digestive tract. Digestion makes power active. As a result, those who have indigestion can get rid of this problem by playing strawberry. 

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Posted by: Md Mamun(admin)
28 August, 2018

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Monday, August 27, 2018

12 "smart" reasons to eat eggs every day
7:10 PM0 Comments

12 "smart" reasons to eat eggs every day

27 August,2018.
Monday. Posted,

Nowadays many people do not eat eggs. Someone is afraid to increase weight, someone to keep the blood fat low in the blood, someone is afraid of heart disease again. But what really increases the egg? Rather, the doctors said nowadays the opposite is the opposite. They said, in the morning breakfast can reduce the weight of up to 3 pounds of an egg! Come on, let's know if there are 12 benefits of egg, which should cause you to eat every day!

Nowadays many people do not eat eggs. Someone is afraid to increase weight, someone to keep the blood fat low in the blood, someone is afraid of heart disease again. But what really increases the egg? Rather, the doctors said nowadays the opposite is the opposite. They said, in the morning breakfast can reduce the weight of up to 3 pounds of an egg! Come on, let's know if there are 12 benefits of egg, which should cause you to eat every day!

  • A small egg is filled with thousands of vitamins. Vitamin B12 helps you to transform the food you eat into energy or energy.

  • There are vitamins A Which improves eyesight. Eating corteinoid, luten and gyxanthine reduce the likelihood of age-related diseases of macular degeneration. This same element also helps to reduce eye cataracts.

  • Vitamin D is available only in the diet. That helps reduce muscle pain.

  • Vitamin E It destroys free radicals produced in cells and skin. And to prevent skin cancer.

  • Egg's biggest quality helps to reduce weight. Every day in the breakfast means that your hunger will be low throughout the day, less will be eaten. Studies show that the body can reduce around 400 calories a day to eat an egg in the morning. That means about three pounds of weight loss in the month. Studies say 65% ​​body weight, 16% body fat, 34% of eggs in the waist can reduce the amount of eggs!

  • The egg contains iron, zinc, phosphorus. Anemia may occur for a long time for menstruation. The body quickly got tired. Iron in the egg can meet this deficit easily. Zinc stimulates the body's immune system or immune system. And phosphorus strengthens bones and teeth.

  • Every woman needs at least 50 grams of protein per day. An egg contains 70-85 calories or 6.5 grams of protein. So, you can eat eggs every day to stay awake.

  • In 2003 a Harvard University study showed that 44% of breast cancer prevention is possible in the adolescence period, or later, playing 6 eggs each week. It also says that the egg does not allow blood to bind to the heart. The possibility of a stroke or a heart attack is very less.

  • Another important component to keep body healthy is colin. If there is a deficiency of colone, it may be due to cardiovascular disease, liver disease or neurological disorder. An egg contains about 300 microgram choline. Which controls the cardiovascular system, nerves, liver and brain.

  • New studies have found that egg cholesterol does not increase. Two eggs of day do not have any effect on body lipid profile. Rather, the egg produces red blood cells in the blood.

  •  Protein forms the body. And amino acids help in the formation of proteins. One type of amino acid is needed for this purpose. But our body can not make up to nine essential amino acids. For that we have to take protein supplement. This protein supplement is the egg in the diet. Which can produce protein in instant body.

  • Is the nails breaking up fast? Or the health of the hair is absolutely violent? Eat every day and eat eggs. Improves the quality of nails and hair like sulfur magic in the egg.

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Types of nutritious food to keep body healthy and strong
1:54 PM0 Comments

Types of nutritious food to keep body healthy and strong

August 19, 2018.☀day

Written by: Md  Russel     

Health Speech: We eat a few times every day. The food may be at home, at the office, at the restaurant or in a dawn. But do we think that we eat what we are eating? Or what should eat? What are we going to be healthy or what nutritious food is there? Which news should be eaten more or less?

Most Bengali people are eating rice every day, eating meat, eating sweet / chiclet. Some people are just eating vegetables without drying sugar to dry, or doing diet of fruits. Or some people are eating too much rice to increase weight. 

Some people feel annoyed when they hear about milking. Someone may eat meat without eating eggs, milk, and vegetables. Many people do not have fast food at all. Many people are doubting every day to eat fruit even a week! 

Actually, this is because many of us have no idea about food chemistry. And its conclusions can lead to various diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vitamin deficiency etc.) and no physical resistance to physical or mental weakness.

To keep body healthy and strong we need all kinds of nutrients in our body. We need more than 40 types of nutrients in our body. Only one or a kind of food can not meet all these nutritional needs. So many types of food should be kept in our daily food list to meet this nutritional needs or to adjust the nutrients. 
And the same is called balanced diet. And this balanced diet does not come in one way or other. The body is healthy and strong.

Nutritionists said there should be 5 types of food per day in the balanced diet. Or 5 categories of food should be on our daily list. We eat 5 types of food from each group of food at one time and maybe one or more nutrition from each group. So there are 5 groups of different types of food refreshments and every day, there will be all kinds of nutrients in the food list. 

For example, guava contains Vitamin C, but omega-3 is not there, which is the fish. Paneer contains vitamin B-12, but vitamin C does not contain, B2, B2 in pearl. Red nuts are more than white flour and so on.

Again, for these 5 groups of food, there is one kind of nutrition in groups of different groups. Therefore, there should be a difference in eating food per group. That is to say, the rectangular foods will also be eaten one time / day in one form. 

For example: Vitamin C is more than any vegetable, irregular iron, etc. So different types of vegetables can be eaten one at a time. Again, in the case of fruit, one day the orange orange play, then another melamon or banana khan. Another day, I used to eat mango, so the other time the apple.

There are 5 types of food:

  • Bakrika- rice, flour, flour, pasta, noodles, bread, cereals or oats etc.
  • Meat-fish, meat, eggs, beans, nuts, tofu, pulses.
  • Vegetables, beans, pulses.
  • Fruit.
  • Milk and milk products, such as cheese, yogurt etc.

Another element is fat, which may require a little bit of our body. But we get it from cooking oil, nut, fish, meat, etc. So it does not need a different way, or more food.
So keep an eye on whether you have the top 5 level foods on your daily diet list. If one is missed at one o'clock, try to eat it at other times or eat one at a time, and eat another meal at the other time. 

For example: if you eat fish at any time, then eat other meat. Once again one of the red flour bread, then the other rice rice rice rice. If you play a combination of vegetables, then cook some other vegetables / fried vegetables. 

Aqbeela plays with rich food or burgers or fast food, so eat less Calorie, Combat food in the second. In this way bring the balance to all types of food.

Keep low fat and sugar-free foods every day. Avoid calorie foods, such as rich food, cakes, fast food, soft drinks. Eat less, such as: One day a week. Or at the time of any invitation or ceremony, Khan is very little. 

It is also good to keep sugar and salted foods in our daily food list. It is good to eat such foods and drinks as much as possible.

However, each meal will be eaten as low as possible. The extent to which he will eat depends on the demand for his physical needs.

But drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

Consult with nutritionists if necessary, how to eat a meal. In this way your diet will not lack Vitamin and Mineral. The body will also be healthy. Along with this, we will help you to lose weight, keep control and achieve fitness and achievement.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Follow some rules to stay healthy and beautiful
12:34 PM1 Comments

Follow some rules to stay healthy and beautiful.

August 18, 2018.Saturday.
Written by: Md mamun   
Do you just eat whatever you want to live? Or you want to enjoy life from healthy and beautiful living? Find a list of foods that are healthy and nutritious.
Everything needed for the body. Every day the same type of food should not be eaten in any way. So keep a variety of vitamins, mineral and protein foods in the daily diet list. Besides, the quality of the food is big, not the quantity of food.

Fennel foods:

Put enough freshened grains in the list of foods. Especially in the morning breakfast cereals can be a variety of grains, wheat, corn, fruit and curd. It is filled with instant stomach and stomach, which means remove constipation. But the fruit does not mean apples and grapes. Rather, when the results are found, eat seasonal fruits. The disease prevention capacity also increased.

Fresh fruit and vegetables:

Every day the food list requires bean, beans, froth-like vegetables and enough fruits. It helps in controlling sugar in all these bodies, and also plays a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Cabbage and Cauliflower help reduce the risk of cancer. According to the World Health Organization, vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times a day. Those who eat more fruits and vegetables, they have less risk of asthma or allergic rhinitis.

Say 'no' to fastfood:

'Fast Food' or 'Ready Made' foods should not be eaten at all. They hide in plenty of sugar and various harmful things. Scientists say that in children, the risk of fast-food asthma increases by about 40 %. This information was made by a researcher on the children of 31 countries. Therefore, it is necessary to create healthy eating habits since childhood.

Food for Brain:
The need for sugar and glucose for human brain development. It contains various fruits, bread, sweet potato, noodles, fish meat, and potato etc. So it is necessary to eat a small quantity of almonds regularly. It contains the essential elements of the body. It is found that playing different types of nut in two or three days a week is possible to avoid heart disease. Eggs are beneficial for the brain.

Milk or Milk Food:

It should be kept on the food list every day. But nowadays many people can not eat milk directly because of allergies. Otherwise, milk can be eaten. Milk contains beneficial vitamins and minerals for the body. So it's also called balanced diet. Besides, eating enough meat and meat or eggs for two days a week is enough. Omega-3 fatty acids in marine fishes, which help in aging.

Ginger, garlic, onion pair:

Use as much oil as possible in cooking. And if possible it is better to use direct vegetable oil. Vegetable foods contain small amounts of calories, and on the other hand, there are plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber. In Asian cuisine, ginger, garlic and onion are used only. These onions, garlic, are helpful in preventing cancer. And ginger bacteria killed and kept the stomach clean.

Drink more, salt and sugar less:

Drink at least one to two liters of water per day. But not sweet mixed drinks, that is, not to be cola, fanta or anything like that. Oh yeah, avoid hypertension or diabetes. Maintain moderate amounts of salt and sugar in order to keep yourself healthy and beautiful. Keep in mind, it should be made in the realm of sugar, that is, brown sugar and salt like iodine and fluoride.

Eating slowly:

The food is rushing to eat more than the fear of eating. This leads to increase in weight and disrupts digestion. So eat the food slowly chewed. Half of it is digested. Besides, what you are eating, why are you eating - understand it by eating it, that means enjoy the food. You 'feel' what you eat, that is, your 'performance' will depend on your eating. And its evidence will also appear on the face.


Walk from 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. It will also enjoy free ventilation as well as open air, which plays a huge role in keeping 'fit'. If there is someone next to the walk, if not, walk alone for a while. Come back to see the body and mind - how fast both of them feel. Walking or exercise also helps in increasing the immunity of the body.

1. Eating a small amount of fat is important in fatty acids, which plays an important role in reducing the levels of bad LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the blood on one hand. On the other hand, good HDL helps to increase cholesterol. One way to add good fat to food is to use canola oil in cooking. This oil contains the lowest amount of fat in comparison to any other oil.

2. Fulfilled 19% of the amount of fiber required to eat a tablespoon of chewing seed with edible seeds nutrient quality is filled. Along with this, the demand for calcium, magnesium, iron, basic fatty acids and antioxidants will also be met.

Sunbeam omega three and omega-rich fatty acids, rich in Vitamin B1, B2, B-six and other nutrients. These foods increase the energy of the body, improves the nerves and diseases, and keeps blood well.

Zinc, copper and selenium are available in plenty of pumpkin seeds. Playing two table spoons of pumpkin seeds, the needs of 25% of the required magnesium and mineral are met.

3. Protein is an important part of every cell of the body. Protein plays an important role in the formation and repair of the body. Therefore, 10 to 35 percent of the daily caloric demand should be filled in proteins. On average, every male weight of 60 kg is required for at least 60 grams of protein per day in order to live well. And on an average every woman weighing 55 kg, daily protein demand is 55 gm. Eggs, lean meat, beans, dairy products, nuts and pulses are the best sources of protein.

4. Every day, eat five vegetables and fruits, consume five vegetables and fruits daily. Eat at least 400 grams of vegetables daily. Vegetables and fruits play an effective role in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer-related diseases starting from constipation and indigestion.

5. Nuts contain healthy fat and nutrient nuts, good quality fat. Along with this, walnuts, peanuts and almonds are foamy. Which is helpful in digestion. The walnuts have omega three fat. Another thing to remember is that having a lot of calories in the nut is not good enough to eat. Nut nut is enough for light snacks. There are about 160 calories and 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber in one ounce or one nuts.

6. Foods made from grains of brown rice, wheat and various types of grains are rich in rich nutrients. Seasonal food contains plenty of insulin fiber which is helpful in keeping the intestines healthy. Fennel foods also help control the level of caloric intake and reduce weight.

7. Thirst does not mean hunger When someone needs water, someone may think that he is hungry. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is necessary to meet the requirements of body water. But in the summer it may need to drink more water. If you occasionally want to taste a little extra, you can eat leftovers with a single water or a glass of ground, fruit tea, tea or sweet fruit juice.

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Friday, August 17, 2018

How to keep healthy
12:37 PM0 Comments

How to keep healthy

If the body is good, such as the desire for work increases, so the mind also furfure and freshness. And if the mind is good then everything feels good. Moreover, healthy, beautiful and fit body is all the desire. Let's know some rules to stay healthy-

1. Build regular and moderate eating habits. Increase the fiber content in the food list. Reduce the diet of fats and fats. Stop completely frozen and fast food foods.

2. Drink one to two glasses of water at the beginning of the meal. Drink water at least one to two hours after the meal.

3. Lalmashan (four-legged animal meat), buy sweets, ghee, dalada, pulses and dalbati eat less.

4. Put fruits and vegetables in the food list. You can eat a little more than once at a time.

5. Should eat early in the night. Develop sleeping habits after one to two hours of eating.

6. Regular and moderate sleep needs good health and safety. Leave sleeping habits in the day and make early sleep habits early in the night.

7. Those who have fat or buds can do regular and proper exercise. A physiotherapist may be consulted for this. Keep in mind that the wrong exercise and uncontrolled 'gym exercise' can make your problem even more intense.

8. Try to walk flat on day to day. Remember that walking is the best exercise. Regularly walk at least one to two hours walking.

9. Develop the habit of sleeping in the morning. Take a bath before going to school, college or office in the morning.

10. If you do not need to go to the high floor, use the stairs instead of the elevator.

11. Make the practice of sleeping six to seven hours daily.

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

7 ways to stay healthy
11:13 PM0 Comments

The importance of being healthy is found only if it is sick.

The importance of being healthy is found only if it is sick. If the body is not healthy, the mind will not be good. So you have to be concerned about the health of the body and mind. And there is no need to do anything extra for that. If you follow the rules of the daily routine to prevent you from staying healthy!

1. After six o'clock in the morning, we should practice sleeping. By doing this, morning light produces Vitamin D and the air keeps the brain and eyes fresh.

2. Drinking one to two glasses of water in the morning after washing it does not easily cause any bowel disease. In the morning, after the exercise of exercise, hats and jogging, the body's immune system increases. The body is healthy.

3. Breakfast is extremely important for the health of the body. It should drink 2/3 glasses of water in the morning. Balanced and nutritious food should be eaten. Do not drink tea / coffee in an empty stomach. Drink tea / coffee at the end of heavy stipes.

4. Never drink water during meals. Drink water before eating it. Eat less food, which will help reduce body weight. If you drink water in the meals, it is related to digestive and digestive problems. Drink water at least 30 minutes after eating it.

5. Lunch time at 1 pm and dinner should be before 8pm. Because you will have more time to eat because of late consumption in the afternoon, you will increase your weight and eat more nights if you eat properly at the time of digestion that will spoil your night. You should go to sleep at least one hour after eating. 

7. Do not drink water from the sunshine. It can not cope with the condition of our body, which can affect the normal functioning of the body. Drinking from excessive work and hard sunshine, it is better to drink water with a lot of rest.
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Food that keeps your body healthy and keeps your body healthy as well as your body
5:15 PM0 Comments

Food that keeps your body healthy and keeps your body healthy as well as your body

Everyone wants to be good and healthy. But how many people can have joy! Better eating well is also very addictive. So the biggest thing is to eat delicious food, people want to understand the scale of their own well being.

Web Desk: Everyone wants to be good and healthy. But how many people can have joy! Better eating well is also very addictive. So the biggest thing is to eat delicious food, people want to understand the scale of their own well being.

But not only is the mind that is good at playing junk food. You have to keep an eye on your body. So it should be eaten in the food that the body with the mind will be good. But now let's take a look at some foods that will be good with your body.

1. Fish

Fish is a very suitable meal to stay in joy. It keeps the current Omega-3 fatty acid mood good. If you are not too good to eat fish, then there are many tablets available in Omega-3, which will be good for your mood.

2. data cress

Who likes to eat leafy leaves. But what can be done to keep your body healthy is to eat the spinach. But this is a lot of vegetables. Such as folic acid and large amounts of magnesium present. Which helps reduce depression.

3. Chocolate

It is said that sweet mouth should be done before doing any good work. To make that sweet face the chocolate is amazing. Due to eating chocolate it is possible to get relief from any pain in the body. For whom the mind is quite good.

4. Honey

Honey is better than sugar The honey is very good because of eating honey. It helps reduce depression by lowering tension in the chempheral and queracitin brain. It also helps to reduce blood pressure.

5. Coconut

The current triglycerides in coconut helps keep the mind healthy. The fat in it helps to keep the mood and the brain fresh. But the sweet body made from coconut milk and coconut is not very good. So eating raw coconuts is the best one.

6. Gram

Cholaya contains calcium, magnesium, insulin, potassium current. So granules are able to prevent many diseases. This reduces the amount of cholesterol in our body to keep the heart energized.

7. Green Tea

Green Tea is very useful for the body. Because eating this tea causes the body's blood sugar to decrease, for which the heart is very good. And the body will remain healthy and you will be very happy.

8. Lemon

Vitamin C located in lemon is very good for the skin. Lemon can eat to keep the skin right. Besides, digestion of lime is very good digestion. If the digestion is right then the mind will be good. And if you have a bright skin with him, then there will be no other word.

9. Sesame

There is a lot of zinc current. This zinc is very useful for sex life. If sex life can be healthy and naturally, then there will be good mind in mind.

10. Banana

Your ban on playing bananas will be very clear. And if the stomach is clear then the mind is very good. If you wake up in the morning and your morning reaction is fine then your day will also be very good.
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Sunday, August 5, 2018

4:14 PM0 Comments

6 emergency foods to stay healthy

written by : md mamun
published, 5 august,2018,at 03:43 pm

6 emergency foods to stay healthy

All day we eat a lot of things. But do you know what foods are needed to keep the body healthy? However, being healthy does not mean only being lean. Being healthy means eating the ingredients that are needed in the body. So see what quality there is in the food.

Web Desk: We eat a lot of things all day long. But do you know what foods are needed to keep the body healthy? However, being healthy does not mean only being lean. Being healthy means eating the ingredients that are needed in the body. So see what quality there is in the food.

1) Green leafy vegetables-

6 emergency foods to stay healthy

Green leafy vegetables contain lots of beneficial ingredients. There are plenty of nutrition. However, the amount of calories in it is very low. Vegetable vegetables are very beneficial for weight loss. To keep the eye healthy, to reduce the chances of diabetes, pair of vegetable gourd compounds to reduce the chances of diabetes. So eat plenty of green leafy vegetables to stay healthy. But of course, after eating a meal, it is better to eat vegetables, eat it.

2) Seed-

6 emergency foods to stay healthyl

Seeds are not compared to strengthening the body or to increase the body's performance. Any seed diet is very beneficial for the body. Seed-feeding is very helpful in preventing diseases like blood sugar.

3) Onion: The vegetables that are grown under the soil are very beneficial for health. Such as onions, garlic, ginger etc. All these foods that not only enhance the taste of food are not. Playing onion garlic increases our body's immune system. Especially with the ability to fight diseases such as cancer and diabetes, all these vegetables play.

4) Mushroom-

6 emergency foods to stay healthy

Mashroom is called superfood. Because of this, there are plenty of protein vitamins in the Mushroom. The doctors also said to eat mushroom. Mushroom is very beneficial to prevent breast cancer.

5) Beri-
Berry is the most useful fruit to increase body energy. Apart from strawberry, blueberries, any such fruit is beneficial for health. There are many qualities of this. This berry prevents cancer, diabetes, and heart problems.

6) Nuts-

6 emergency foods to stay healthy

Fat, mineral, nuts filled with antioxidants. So playing nut, all the needs of our body are met. Nuts are very useful for doing weight gain and to prevent diabetes.

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Everyday must Eating a Fruits for your health [ Healthy  Foods -
3:57 AM0 Comments

At Least One Fruit Every Day

written by : md mamun
Published : 5 august,2018, at 04:22 am

At least one fruit every day

To maintain balanced and healthy dietary diet, you must eat at least one fruit every day.

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We meet the needs of essential vitamins and mineral components through fruit. It is good to eat seasonal,

native and available fruits. Because there are different types of fruit yields for each season.

The idea of ​​many to say that the fruit is acidity. But the result is actually simple.

Because it contains simple sugar-fructose, glucose and levyulose.
But some do not want to digest many times due to some fiber.

Remember, there is a need for fennel foods to reduce the number of diseases and reduce weight.

As a result, there are plenty of vitamins C, Vitamin A, calcium, potassium etc.

It is also good to eat fresh and raw fruits with sour vitamins.

If you keep the fridge for a long time, then the quality of the fruit is spoiled for a long time.

If kept in the refrigerator, then the mouth should be kept in polythene bags.

Kidney patients are often prohibited from consuming high-quality potassium.

It is a good idea to consult a doctor in this case. Basically, potassium increases blood circulation

 and is beneficial for healthy people.
Highly sugar-resistant fruits can increase blood sugar levels by diabetes patients.

Therefore, eating diabetes patients' fruits is not strictly prohibited.

 Amara, guava, grapefruit, jam, plum etc. can be eaten quite a bit. But eating sweet fruits will be calculated.

It is more beneficial to eat whole fruit than eating fruit juice.

Because the peels and other parts of the fruit rows are excluded, so there are some properties that are excluded.

The amount of fiber also decreases.
Practice eating fruit salads, eating breakfast or as a dessert.

High blood pressure patients do not eat fruit with salt. Leo Khan with rice every day. It will also be added to the fruit list.

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So that they are aware of their health.

You can turn around to get more health related tune.

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